Perceptual crossing is the reciprocal
interplay of perceiving while being perceived. In this paper we discuss
the last iteration of our ongoing research project on designing for
perceptive qualities in systems of interactive products. We describe the
design of explorative behavior in an artifact to enable the
artifact and a person to engage in perceptual crossing. The explorative
behavior is compared to the following and active behavior,
the results of two earlier iterations. Through the iterations we
formulated, applied and evaluated design relevant knowledge in the form
of seven design notions. These notions inform design-researchers and
design-practitioners on how to design for perceptive qualities in
systems of interactive products. Here we specifically focus on how the
artifact detects active perceptive behavior of a person, and how the
artifact becomes aware of bygone perception and anticipates on future
perception. An experiment shows how participants preferred the resulting
explorative behavior that is closest to our theoretical framework based on phenomenology.
CHI '13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CHI '13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems