Assessing Design through Assessment Buddies

This paper discusses the impact of ‘Assessment Buddies’, a specially developed assessment
and feedback system implemented within a second year industrial design module at
Coventry University, UK.
The system was developed in response to the need for a successful assessment and feedback
system that could cope with the complexities of a creative subject, and also in response to
the need to address student dissatisfaction with assessment and feedback as evidenced by
the regular UK National Student Survey.
The findings from student focus groups and questionnaires show that the Assessment Buddy
system offers the opportunity for a more flexible approach to the assessment of creative
subjects and also speaks to best practice as outlined in the NSS Student Charter.
At the time of writing the Assessment Buddy system is embedded in the second year
assessment procedures for the automotive design course, and is being introduced into Year
3, with plans for Year 4 to follow.

DRS 2012 Bangkok