Towards an Empowering Tangible Interaction Design for Diversity

The seven principles of Universal Design, such as ”4. Perceptible Information” and ”5.
Tolerance for errors”, are formulated from the design’s or system’s perspective. The
principles focus on the qualities of the system or design, not on the value of use, the
long time experience and use by many different people. Nor do the principles embrace a
cultural and social understanding of the value of things, designs and situations.
In this paper we argue for the necessity to broaden this narrow system or product design
perspective, when designing to empower diverse users. Our field of study is musical and
cross-media Tangible Interaction Design, where multimedia computer capabilities are
included in everyday objects. Our goal is to motivate social and musical co-creation for
families with disabled children to improve their health and quality of life. To extend our
design thinking, practice and understanding of a design’s value, meaning and
empowering potential, we build on a humanistic health approach, resource-oriented
thinking, Positive psychology and Empowerment philosophy. In the paper we present
and discuss how we design cross-media, interactive, tangible and musical things to
motivate and empower a variety of users in our on-going RHYME project.

Include Asia 2013: Global Challenges and Local Solutions in Inclusive Design, Hong Kong