Design+Disaster: The Inclusive Challenge

Whether natural or human-caused, disasters have determined the course of human
development and defined the quality of individual lives for centuries. From the eruption
of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, to the collapse of the Twin Towers in 2001, from the
Antonine Plague in 165 AD, to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami; from the fire
that nearly destroyed Constantinople, to last year’s Super Storm Sandy, the range of
devastating events that have impacted our planet and affected generations are a
challenge for design.

When disasters strike, the role of adequate and appropriate design is key for survival
and recovery. For peoples living with the daily challenges and affects of injury, birth
anomaly, discrimination, homelessness; poverty, the combined impact of individual
capacity, with the force of disasters, presents an even more daunting dilemma and
vital need for inclusive solutions, by design.

Include Asia 2013: Global Challenges and Local Solutions in Inclusive Design, Hong Kong